
“When I turned 40, everything seemed to fall apart for me emotionally and physically. I was suffering from weight gain (about 30 lbs.), panic attacks, hypoglycemic episodes, low blood pressure which dropped enough to cause fainting episodes, severe stomach pain which led to seeing an Endocrinologist and having TWO endoscopies! I felt miserably out of control and lost. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn.

Thankfully, a co-worker was sitting next to me at lunch one day, and mentioned Dr. Wendy Huang. I was hesitant at first because I had never been to see a holistic doctor before and didn’t know what to expect. My first visit was an intense interview that lasted quite a while. Dr. Huang wrote down my long list of symptoms and I cried! She gave me a box full of supplements, a long list of books to read, and a prescription for extensive blood work!

I began taking my supplements, started reading, and went for my blood work (Nine vials of blood work!). When my blood work returned, I discovered many of my problems were the result of a gluten allergy and adrenal fatigue syndrome. I needed take gluten out of my diet right away! Pretty dramatic, BUT so worth it!

Now, about six months later, I feel terrific! My anxiety has improved dramatically, I have lost about 8 lbs (there was quite a bit of over-eating during Oct-Dec. or I would have lost more for sure!), I have maintained my blood sugar and blood pressure WITHOUT medication, and I have my energy back! All thanks to Dr. Huang! Her comprehensive approach treats the WHOLE patient, not just individual symptoms and is based on extensive blood tests which help to pinpoint which supplements her patients need for optimal health. I highly recommend her to anyone!”

— Susan F., 41

“Four years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and suffering from fatigue, sleeplessness, weight gains, hair loss, cold hands and feet, as well as memory loss. I sought the treatment of an endocrinologist and a nutritionist. Each made their respective prescriptions. Although my blood tests confirmed my thyroid was ‘working normally,’ I still didn't feel any better.

I met with Dr. Huang in November 2008. At our very first meeting, she shook my hand, which was a block of ice and asked if I had a thyroid problem. My response was, ‘according to my endocrinologist, not anymore.’ Dr. Huang spent an hour discussing my medical and physical history, which is the most time a doctor has ever spent interviewing me. Together, Dr. Huang and I prioritized my symptoms and the course of action we would take. She prescribed acupuncture and bio-identical hormones, which included thyroid hormones that have both T3 and T4. I was taking control of my health!!!

I have been meeting with Dr. Huang regularly since then and am feeling significantly better. Best of all, my symptoms have demised especially that my hands and feet no longer feel like blocks of ice. I will continue to work with Dr. Huang until I am symptom-free.”

— Mary Ellen P., 48

“I started coming to Dr. Huang when my son was 18 months old, December of 2006. We saw her for well visits and sick visits in her traditional office. Once she moved to her holistic office we followed her there for our family's holistic health care.

During my pregnancy with my second child, I experienced maternal depression. My depression was ignored and shrugged-off by the OB/GYN practice that I was seeing at that time. (We eventually switched to a midwife practice.) I called Dr. Huang and felt better almost instantly. She invited me to come in to speak with her and took my depression seriously.

Dr. Huang is very through with ordering bloodwork to see where issues are. My blood work showed an issue with my hormone level. Dr. Huang explained that the bio-identical hormones have the same structure as our bodies’ own hormones, so do not have many side effects of the non-bioidentical ones. I feel calmer after Dr. Huang's counseling, acupuncture, acupressure, vitamin recommendation, and bio-identical hormone replacement prescription. For the first time in my life, I DO NOT have a constant feeling of sadness, anger, loneliness, and depression. I finally feel happy and whole thanks to the kindness, attentiveness, and holistic care of Dr. Wendy Huang.”

— Susannah